Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Life and Death in Shanghai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Life and Death in Shanghai - Essay Example It is a tribute to those who suffered while protecting their dignity and ideology. Nien Cheng presents herself as a symbol of sacrifices given by Capitalist China. She showed how people who refused to surrender their believes to those of Mao’s were punished. She praised and made us praise the courage of those who did not bow to undue pressure put imposed by the ruling party. In this memoir the author tries to show an air of terror and insecurity that was then surrounding China. This is written to show how life within Communist China of Mao’s reign was. How Maoists showed their power and their complexes of inferiority by terrorizing those to whom they were once inferior. She showed the unrest and instability which was named Cultural Revolution. Effects of revolution were expressed which made revolution (as opposed to evolution) the worst choice. The novel protests against tyranny and imposition of ideas by Communist party, effectively. It highlights the problems which arise because of preferring revolution as opposed to evolution. It disapproves decisions taken based upon the sole intention of destruction, based upon Mao’s theory â€Å"The old culture must be destroyed to make way for the new Socialist Culture.† But pointing out such behaviors she actually tells the backwardness in Communists. Mao’s quote We must learn swimming from swimming shows a serious tragedy Revolution had, lack of measured judgment. The believe that people minds and loyalties can be changed by force, could be nothing more than serious joke to human nature. And punishing an innocent for the reason that he or she was a relative of apparently guilty person is another bitter slap on the face of

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