Thursday, November 28, 2019

British Revolution Essay Example

British Revolution Essay In the 18th Century, the colonies gained its independence from Britain through a rebellion involving the colonies of the most dominant nations of that present time. Although known as the American Revolution throughout the world, it was actually a British Revolution in many ways rather than an American Revolution. The British colonial policies were more responsible for the final political division than were actions taken by the colonists. As the British played a larger role in the final political division in America due to their taxing, governing and military action in America from 1763 to 1775, the colonies gained their independence. Due to the French and Indian War, Britain was now burdened with a gigantic debt from borrowing money for the war. As the war did involve the colonies and was for their protection, taxes on various things were placed. Parliament did not expect to pay the entire debt however they expected that a large amount should be contributed from the colonies to rai se a garrison in the colonies. The colonists saw no reason for this and immediately revolted. The idea of boycotting imported items or anything with taxes soon became popular among the colonists. Now the British began to order the navy to enforce the Navigation Acts upon the colonists. Soon the Sugar Act was instated and the colonists protested and the tax was soon repelled. More than ever, the colonists declared that British Parliament had no right to pass taxes to raise revenue in the colonies. Had Britain found a way to pay off its own debts and not worry about raising a garrison in the colonies, the colonies would still be under the rule of King George. After the French and Indian War, the British were not really needed in America and their governing policy took a drastic change. Before the colonies really started to protest, Britain placed a salutary neglect on the colonies giving them more freedom and allowing them to get away with minimal go

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay on Samms Stryo

Essay on Samms Stryo Essay on Samms Stryo Sammy: â€Å"30 Years Later† â€Å"Paper or plastic?† I said. After a while these types of questions are the ones that seem to connect you with the customer. It was a rainy Friday afternoon. Here I was, again. 30 years ago I decided to leave this dump. I thought I would be the Superman of grocery shopping. I left thinking that I had done a heroic thing. After I went home to my parents they gave me the speech of my life. I went thinking that I would be this grand person and become someone important. It’s funny how when you’re a kid you think that you can rule the world and do the unthinkable. Then, life hits you and you see that you are just another person in the world. Eventually, going back to the store helped me realize this. Pitiful and embarrassing are the words that I came back with. I’ve always wondered whether or not those girls still remember me. I mean obviously, as a teenage with raging hormones I noticed them. After thinking about that si tuation, I never again will say anything. You see whether you try to be the nice or bad guy in life you will always come out at the wrong end. So, as this Friday afternoon started coming to the end of my shift, I noticed that the rain began to pick up with a stronger force. It seemed as if someone just decided to pour out buckets of water from the sky. I mean I like the rain but this didn’t seem like the type of rain that would fall all the time. I noticed that many people from the sidewalk started running into the store. I mean I didn’t want to do anything, I was tired of it. I decided to stay where I was and help this lady. The lady had the exact type of qualities from 30 years. The type that checks whether or not you’ve scanned the item twice and right away be there to correct you. This woman wasn’t too old. My age I guess, and well she seemed pretty attractive for my age. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have anyone to say that I love. Thos e girls changed the way I felt so I decided to stay low on the whole Mr. Player attitude. I mean come on. I can dream a little right. So this lady had something about her that I liked. I mean when you’re an old man like me, they just don’t seem to notice. â€Å"Cloth†, she said, â€Å"I know I sound like such a hippy but I just like to carry my own bag. I hope that you don’t mind†. She gave me a flirty look but I acted like I just didn’t care. â€Å"Umm†¦ yeah I guess†, I said. With that, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky. â€Å"Oh my†, she said, â€Å"Do you think that if I went outside I would get wet?† I have never heard a funnier response in my life. I mean if you think about it, who asks that. The manager was coming around again. Reminded me of a panther when you don’t know where he is yet, he just seems to appear. This guy was this young 23 years old. The kind of guy that expects everyone to like him yet you hate him with a passion. He had this short stature and had enough gel in his hair to last him a month. â€Å"What are you doing? Come on†, said Edward, â€Å"Miss, is this man disturbing you?† I looked at the customer, she looked like a Frida. â€Å"Oh no! Of course not! Why don’t you have more people like this handsome. I mean hard-working man in your store!† You know how girls turn into the red scarlet color when they get either well complimented or even if they get just really embarrassed. I turned that color. I mean this brought back that nostalgic feeling of the three girls from almost 30 years ago. Edward just went away with his big long nose in the air. He acted like those people that get proved wrong yet won’t admit it. This lady seemed to be hitting on me. Hitting me with her looks and the way that she talked about me impressed me. Look, I’ll be completely honest. I am a pretty good looking guy for my age. Sure, my co-w orkers have always told me this but I seemed too modest to accept the fact that it is true. Frida was getting her cloth bag into the cart. She kept looking at the rain, then me, then the rain. I mean I knew she wanted something but then again it seemed

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inclusive education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Inclusive education - Essay Example It refers to an attitude, believe and value system. So in this case, once this system has been adopted by a school, then it should drive all the decisions and actions by those people who have adopted it. It is a belief that schools embrace and educate all students and not just selecting those students who can be fit in that school. It is believed that all children are unique in their different ways and they have different talents. It is through inclusive learning that children are in a position to get good education and also attain the best practices in school. This can be well illustrated by cooperative learning. In this case, you find that students are in a position to learn with each other, and offer the necessary assistance to each other where possible. It is through this cooperation that students can be in a position to do well in most of their activities. Inclusive learning also reflects multi intelligence, multi level instructions, good learning and also teaching styles where children are exposed to competent teachers who express their teaching skills fully and they are also exposed to differentiated curriculum. (Armstrong, Barton and Armstrong, 2000) With inclusive schooling, it emphasizes on various issues. First it ensures that students get equal educational opportunities. It is through this that students will be in a position to have access to the various educational programs hence leading to their success in school.... It is through inclusive schooling that the necessary resources will be provided and these resources are usually provided to ensure that students are in a position to learn well. Third there is respecting differences whereby students in this case will be in a position to respect differences which might arise. (Bender, 2002) Inclusive schooling is said to teach mutual respect where students are in a position to respect each other, responsibility in the sense that these children will be in a position to demonstrate responsibility by obeying commands and taking charge of their responsibilities, they will also learn to be generous to others and last they will learn to be independent. (Dei, Zine, and James-Wilson, 2002) Therefore the rationale behind inclusive schooling can be summarized as intending to ensure that all children regardless of the differences the may exist between them are put under the same class environment in order to take advantage of their diversity and help them to learn well. In this regard it is also expected to lower the cost of education to the parent and to the government since students will be able to use the same resources and amenities rather than providing each student with their own resources. It is an approach that is expected to make the education process smooth for the teachers, parents and the students. It aims at eliminating any discrimination and achieving equality for all in education. Values, policies and strategies of inclusive education One of the most important emphasis of the inclusive education is the way in which it advocates for changes and modification in the content, the approach structures, policies and strategic of the education system. The model is enabled by a value system which ensures that there is child

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In Which Ways Do Feminists Take Relations Between Men And Women To Be Essay

In Which Ways Do Feminists Take Relations Between Men And Women To Be Uequal - Essay Example The culturally instituted gender ideologies continually define the responsibilities and rights that are appropriate for both men and women in the society. Such ideologies influence the access and control over resources and participation in making decisions on matters of development. In essence, these gender ideologies usually reinforce male dominance and the idea of women’s inferiority. In conclusion, it can be stated that several feminist have worked hard by publishing articles, books, and other journals to argue their cases regarding unequal treatment of women because of their gender. Cultural factors can be blamed as one of the major factors that have purported the masculine authority over the feminine. However, some of the feminists have believed that women are naturally created to be in the private divide because of their reproduction nature. Women give birth and thus get tasked with the responsibility of childrearing at home. This natural phenomenon provides men with the freedom to explore the public divide by looking for jobs and becoming the breadwinners of the family. Such situations make men be dictators since they have economic power in the traditional nuclear family. To come out of the private divide, women must endeavor to start being autonomous by selecting their careers well to fit in the job market. Political, social and economic powers held by an in dividual shall ultimately lead to self-autonomy; therefore, women should strive to achieve those elements of power.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Persuasive Speech about Lowering the drinking age Essay

Persuasive Speech about Lowering the drinking age - Essay Example This is because, despite the fact that it is illegal for young adults below drinking age to drink alcohol, most people always start drinking before they reach the legal drinking age Credibility Statement: I have researched on the issue at lowering the drinking age in USA on the pros and cons, as well as their implications for over 30 years. As a result, I present this argument calling for the lowering of the age due to its benefits to society despite strong opposition from the public and other members of the society. The controversy on lowering the minimum legal drinking age has been raging for a long time and has attracted the attention of many. Many have been arguing that lowering the drinking age will encourage promiscuousness and irresponsibility, which is a mistaken stand since there is no direct relation between drinking and behaviors, as we will come to realize. A. The drinking age should be lowered because; in the early days, anyone was allowed to drink regardless of their age. The drinking age should be lowered because; in the early days, anyone was allowed to drink regardless of their age. 3. In the early times, consumption of alcohol was an event or act for anyone, why can we not let the memories of our ancestors come back to life by allowing all those with the ability to handle their liquor participate in the consumption. 2. This excludes the information that as long as one is over the age of eighteen years, one can be forced to join the Selective Service for possible drafting into the military and participating in war should one occur. 3. The implication of the above is that the government and the law recognizes the ability of eighteen year olds to make appropriate decisions regarding the welfare of the country at large, but not those that determine their own wellbeing.. 2. It also put one in the state of questioning the sincerity of the government, in giving

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors of Acute Kidney Injury

Factors of Acute Kidney Injury 1. Introduction: Kidneys are the important two paired organs of our body that function normally under the physiological limits. Kidneys may lose its normal functioning under certain circumstances paving way to a disease state of kidney. These kidneys as termed filter units of the body function to excrete waste substances from the body. Similar to the other diseases of the body, kidney diseases result in life threatening dilemma of the society, with inclusive pathological causes and related social norms. In following section various aspects of acute kidney injury (failure) are discussed in detail. 2. Acute Kidney Injury: Studies related to ‘’acute kidney failure (ARF)’’ were jeopardized for over past decades due to the conflicting definitions and varied diagnostic criteria of the disease by different investigators, though, all reached to an agreement that a decline in renal function for over the time of hours to days is the distinct characteristic feature of ARF. In the year 2005, an initiative has been taken by Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative and the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) for replacing the term ‘’Acute Kidney Failure’’ to ’Acute kidney Injury (AKI)’’ (Mehta et al, 2007).However, this definition was further improved in the year 2007, which is mostly accredited to as the RIFLE criteria (Risk-Injury-Failure-Loss of function-End stage renal disease). Moreover, elevated serum creatinine level and deceased urine output are included in the diagnostic criteria. The first three stages of AKI including stage 1 – r isk, stage 2 – injury and stage 3 failure with diagnostic criteria are shown in the Figure 1 (Kellun et al, 2005). Acute renal failure (ARF) is defined as a rapid and reversible decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ranging from few hours to weeks,that can occur in the setting of previously normal renal function (‘classic’ ARF) or in a patient with pre-existing chronic renal disease (‘acute-on-chronic’ renal failure). Clinically, ARF is further subcategorized in two distinct types, firstly on the basis of being oliguric (urine output 500 ml/day), and secondly on being dialysis dependence (Schrier et al, 2004). Patients are classified in three categories depending on their risk of renal dysfunction, type of kidney injury, and the degree of kidney failure, which is further associated with two clinical outcomes: Loss and End-stage renal disease (RIFLE). ARF (Loss) is defined as the requirement of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for a period of more than 4 weeks, whereas end-stage renal disease is defined as dependence on dialysis for a period of more than 3 months. Patients with acute renal dysfunction without presenting a baseline measure of renal function are evaluated for the presence of chronic renal disease. The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula is used to predict ‘normal’ GFR is there is no evidence of chronic renal disease, which thus is helpful in assessing the severi ty of the ARF episode (Lameire et al, 2006). 2.1. Incidence of Acute Kidney Injury: Evaluation of theaccurateand factual epidemiological characteristics of ARF is hinderedby various reasons such as, lack of a generally accepted definition, gender disparity, issue of lacking consult with a doctor, financial issues in transplantation and treatment and delayed treatment, especially in developing countries, which all together contribute in hampering proper assessment of incidence of acute kidney injury (Cerdà ¡ et al, 2008). Furthermore, deviation in catchment populations and methods used for case ascertainment also result in difficulties for ARI evaluation. The rate of acute kidney injury holds difference in the general population, designated differently as three groups, community-acquired acute kidney injury, the hospitalized patients and critically ill patients of intensive care unit (ICU). 2.1.1. Community Acquired Acute Kidney Injury: Generally, ARF occurs rarely in community settings. After exclusion of those who suffered chronic renal failure, ARF was found developed in 172 adults per million people (pmp) per year in an unselected population(Singbartl et al., 2000).The incidence ranged between 17 pmp/year and 949 pmp/year for adults (less than 50 years of age) and those aged between 80 years and 89 years, respectively. Acute dialysis was administered to 22 pmp(Liano et al) and it was foundin a research study conducted for over a period of 9 months at 13 tertiary care hospitals in Madrid, Spain that the overall incidence of ARF is about 209 cases pmp. Moreover, it has been reported that community-acquired ARF in the US account for 1% of hospital admissions(Schnermann, 2003). Pre-renal ARF and acute-on-chronic renal failure have been reported to be associated with dehydration particularly in elderly people, use of drugs such as angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers in highrisk patients, and heart failure(Schnermann, 2003). Also, 0.69% of admissions of African Americans were accounted for de novo ARF. The incidence of community acquired ARF in this population was 3.5 times more than that of hospital-acquired ARF; with several patients having underlying medical conditions(Noiri et al., 2001).Disasters in particular earthquakes, many other causes of crush syndromes such as accidents, rhabdomyolysis resulting from infections, coma, and seizures, usage of drugs particularly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, and vascular events such as thrombosis of vessels are associated with community-acquired ARF. Furthermore, hemolytic uremic syndrome secondary to infection with Escherichia coli or Shigella is a common cause of ARF, as is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis in children. Diarrheal diseases, hemolysis, tropical and non-tropical infections, and snake bites are causative factors of ARF in tropical areas such as India and Africa. The overall incidence of obstet ric-related ARF has declined for over many years (Melnikov et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2003). Medicines that are prescribed by traditional healers which mostly comprise mixture of herbs and unidentified chemicals for oral administration or as enemas constitute a distinct class of nephrotoxins in Africa and Asia(Jha V and Chugh2003) 15. Venoms of sea snakes, viper snakes and stinging insects, and raw gallbladder and bile of carp and sheep are present in common animal-derived nephrotoxins. Moreover, common edible plants such as djenkol beans, and mushrooms and medicinal herbs including impila, as well as cat’s clawcomprise botanical nephrotoxins (Melnikov et al., 2001).Nephrotoxicity which is caused by different chemicals can be due to accidental exposure to chemical such as chromic acid in industrial work places or due to use of chemicals such as copper sulphate, ethylene dibromide or ethylene glycol with suicidal or homicidal intent. 2.1.2. Hospital-acquired: The incidence of hospital acquired ARF surpasses that of community-acquired ARF by 5–10 times, being 0.15–7.20% in hospitalized patients (Nash et al., 2002). Surveysthat are used for hospital-acquired ARF under estimate the true incidence, as cases that include terminal patients are not either referred for treatment for ARF or are not screened for ARF. Out of 311 unselected hospitalized patients with ARF, 22% were referred to a nephrologist in an assessment in unselected patients. Age and comorbidities of patients at presentation influenced the referral(Zuk et al., 2001) and by different referral patterns to the site of care including district general hospital, tertiary referral centre, general ICU, and cardiothoracic ICU. In a prospective hospital-based study of ARF, the estimated incidence with need for RRT was reported to be 203 pmp/year, having patients with acute-on-chronic renal failure inclusive (Metcalfe et al., 2002). A significant elevated level in the inciden ce of hospital-acquired ARF has been observed over the period of past decades. The US National Center for Health Statistics National Hospital Discharge Survey reported that the number of hospitalizations with a diagnosis of ARF has increased dramatically, from 35,000 in 1979 to more than 650,000 in 2002, depicting an yearly rate of increase of over 13% which may be due tovarious comorbidities of the hospitalized population, increasing age of the population, increased occurrence of risk factors for ARF including chronic kidney disease and diabetes, and furtherprevalent use of intravenous contrast agents for imaging and cardiovascular techniques. Ischemic and/or toxic acute tubular necrosis (ATN) are marked the main causes of hospital-acquired ARF. Most of the time, there involves multi factorial causes including, encompassing postsurgical ATN, chemotherapy-induced ARF, ARF secondary to sepsis, contrast agents or drugs such as antibiotics, allopurinol, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and proton-pump inhibitors, and ARF due to a clot or atheroembolism. In spite of the shift in the etiology of hospital-acquired ARF over last few decades, prerenal conditions having manifestationsuch as reduced rates of renal perfusion stays to be leading causative factor of ARF (about 40% of cases). The trend in developed countries towards an elevated incidence of ARF in hospitalized patients due to drugs, different infections and surgeries has been observed in China(Wang et al., 2005)as well as in India (Prakash et al., 2003). 2.1.3. ARF in critically ill patients admitted to the ICU Patients in ICU, exhibit ARF many times associated with multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (JoannidisMetnitz, 2005). The findings of a multinational epidemiological study of ARF presented results that showed occurrence of ARF in 1,738 (5.7%) patients during their stay in ICU out of total sample size of 29,269 patients in ICUs of 54 study centers in 23 countries(Uchino et al., 2005), with period prevalence ranging from 1.4% to 25.9% in all study centers. 1,260 (4.2%) of the patients out of overall patients with ARF were treated with RRT. Many ICU patients were considered for ATN in the setting of multi-organ failure (Mehta et al., 2004). 2.2. Pathogenesis: The pathogenesis of acute kidney injury most importantly comprises two mechanisms that include loss of autoregulation and increased renal vasoconstriction. In experimental animals, acute ischemic injury is found associated with a considerable loss of renal autoregulation (Abuelo, 2007). Also, in case of decrease in renal perfusion pressure, there occurs normal autoregulatory renal vasodilation, evidence has been reported exhibiting renal vasoconstriction in case of ischemic kidney. Moreover, acute ischemic insult has been found associated with rise in the response to renal nerve stimulation (Abuelo, 2007). The increase vasoconstrictor response has been observed to the exogenous norepinephrine and endothelin, in the acute ischemic kidney (Basile, 2007). These vascular anomalies experienced during ischemic kidney are related to the resultant elevation of cytosolic calcium observed in the afferent arterioles of the glomerulus. The pathogenetic role of elevated cytosolic calcium concentr ation in the afferent arteriole of the ischemic kidney is supported by the observation that intrarenal calcium channel blockers can reverse the loss of autoregulation and the subsequent rise in sensitivity to renal nerve stimulation (Abuelo, 2007). The mitochondrial calcium build-up in the ischemic kidney is found to be reversed by calcium channel blockers administration (Starkov et al., 2004). Moreover, calcium channel blockers have been shown to lessen renal dysfunction and toxicity associated with the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine following cadaveric renal transplantation, when administrated prior to the ischemic insult (Starkov et al., 2004). 2.2.1. Outer medullary congestion: The outer medullary congestion of the kidney is yet one of the vascular hallmark of acute renal ischemia. Previous research studies have proposed that the outer medullary congestion of the kidney further worsens the relative hypoxia in the outer medulla and subsequently the hypoxic injury in the S3 segment of the proximal tubule and the thick ascending limb of the Henle loop (Heyman et al., 2010). Up-regulation of adhesion molecules termed related to outer medullary

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Serve Others through Dentistry Essay -- Dentistry Admissions Essays

To Serve Others through Dentistry    My interest in dentistry is a result of a sincere interest in the profession as well as a strong belief that my personal qualities will allow me to contribute to the well-being of others. My observations of dentists at work, my interest in thier manual skills, and my strong desire for service work have lead me to choose dentistry. My broad but science-centered academic background is health-related, which will help me succeed in a dental program.    Dentistry depends on communication skills, patience, and tolerance of individuals' differences which I think are my strong points. I believe I can give effective and equal care to all patients. Tutoring in Clarkson's Writing Lab taught me that the success of the conference depends on the ability of the tutor not to dominate but to encourage the writer to give information. This relationship parallels the doctor-patient relationship. I think dentistry is a joint effort between the doctor and patient. This field is appropriate for me because I would enjoy using the skills I've acquired t...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Collabarative learning community

It is Important to promote the professional role of the nurse to provide health promotion and disease preventive care. Collaborating with other health care professionals and consumer groups In the community In redesigning health care can help meet the goals for Healthy People 2020. Refer to http://www. healthypeople. gov/ to open the Healthy People home page. Select the â€Å"2020 Topics & Objectives† tab.Select one of the 42 â€Å"Healthy People† topic areas for improving health. Submit the proposed area to the instructor for approval. No group may work on the same focus area as another group. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (15-20 slides) with accompanying speaker's notes and citations. For help deslgnlng PowerPoint slides, refer to the tutorial listed In the Topic Materials. In the presentation, address the following: State the objective of the presentation.State the Healthy People 2020 focus area your group has selected and the rationale or selection of the specif ic focus area. Explain how the focus area relates to the individual, family and community and all age groups throughout the lifespan. Identify ways to enhance or optimize health in the selected focus area using evidence-based research. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles must be utilized. Address the health disparity among different segments of the population for the selected focus area.Provide a brief description of at least two community resources and at least two ebsite resources for professionals and clients. Provide a brief profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus area While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in- text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a grading rubric.Instructors will be using the rubric to grade he assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. collabarative learning community By Roopneetkaur It is important to promote the professional role of the nurse to provide health professionals and consumer groups in the community in redesigning health care can For help designing PowerPoint slides, refer to the tutorial listed in the Topic Collabarative Learning Community It is important to promote the professional role of the nurse to provide health promotion and disease preventive care. Collaborating with other health care professionals and consumer groups in the community in redesigning health care can help meet the goals for Healthy People 2020.Refer to to open the Healthy People home page.Select the â€Å"2020 Topics & Objectives† tab.Select one of the 42 â€Å"Healthy People† topic areas for improving health. Submit the proposed area to the instructor for approval. No group may work on the same focus area as another group. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (15-20 slides) with accompanying speaker's notes and citations.For help designing PowerPoint slides, refer to the tutorial listed in the Topic Materials.In the presentation, address the following:State the objective of the presentation.State the Healthy People 2020 focus area your group has selected and the rationale for selection of the specific foc us area. Explain how the focus area relates to the individual, family and community and all age groups throughout the lifespan. Identify ways to enhance or optimize health in the selected focus area using evidence-based research. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles must be utilized. Address the health disparity among different segments of the population for the selected focus area. Provide a brief description of at least two community resources and at least two website resources for professionals and clients.Provide a brief profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus area. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; ther efore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Identify and Evaluate those key elements which Essay Example

Identify and Evaluate those key elements which Essay Example Identify and Evaluate those key elements which Essay Identify and Evaluate those key elements which Essay Identify and measure those cardinal elements which are of import to the development and endurance of music as an industry, the influences that have brought about these alterations and the current responses to them The industry that has developed around music is one of the most important sectors in concern. In the UK entirely, the music industry is deserving about ?5 billion per annum and has about 126,000 full-time employees. It is hence of import for the economic system that the industry remains active, non merely in Britain, but worldwide. Prior to the 19Thursdaycentury, British musical civilization had two clear strands: the oral/aural civilization of common people and popular vocal and the more formal written/read civilization of church music, the concert hall and opera house and those employed by the nobility. In the 18Thursdayand first portion of the 19Thursdaycenturies, the latter failed to boom in Britain, which was referred to as ‘das Land ohne Musik’ ( the land without music ) . The continent had a more booming written/read civilization, peculiarly in what is now Germany. At that clip, Germany was divided into many little princedoms, each with its classical music locales, many of which still flourish today. In the 21stcentury, Britain is a taking participant in the planetary popular music industry, buying more recorded units per caput than in any other state in the universe and besides let go ofing more albums than any other state except the US ( ( 1 ) ) . It is besides cardinal in the planetary classical music industry. This is mostly due to the manner it has successfully responded to many of the chances of the last century. The alterations most impacting the music industry can be divided into several cardinal classs: socio-cultural alteration, technological developments, interaction with other media, legal developments, political developments and commercial alterations, peculiarly to the construction of the industry. By sing these countries separately, a full image of the complex influences on the music industry, to which it must react, can be built. One of the biggest alterations in the 20Thursdaycentury was the outgrowth of a youth civilization in the 1950s, but the musical environment leting this evolved in old decennaries. In the 1930s and 1940s, markets in the US became perceptibly segmented. Large set music formed the nucleus of mass entreaty popular music. At the same clip, the possible market for niche audiences was recognised taking to a development of the music industry into black music ( referred to at the clip as ‘race’ music ) and hillbilly ( a precursor of state ) . Stylistic influences from black and hillbilly music were a major component of the following major music revolution: rock’n’roll. The reaching of the musical manner of rock’n’roll coincided with important societal and technological developments which interacted with it. A market emerged of immature people with disposable incomes and the replacing of shellac with vinyl enabled record companies to bring forth more lasting, longer-playing recordings. These three factors interacted to bring forth a immense chance for record companies who cashed in consequently. At the same clip, the UK had its ain typical musical subculture in the 50s in the signifier of skiffle sets, with a DIY moral principle that has been compared with hood. Skiffle music was a mix of popular and common people manners, with lively vocals played on home-made instruments. While there were mainstream skiffle stars – most notably Lonnie Donegan – it is important that the skiffle scene flourished on its ain footings, proliferating in java bars and nines. Although possibly non cashed in on to the extent it could hold been, skiffle no uncertainty helped set up the UK as one of the biggest participants in the international popular music industry because it provided easy entree to music-making and inspired so many people to take portion. Among them were members of the Quarrymen, who went on to organize the Beatles. Subcultures have provided many chances for the music industry. It will shortly be discussed how the reluctance of the big leagues to go involved with hood provided the chance for an addition in little independent labels which have continued to stand for a important proportion of the music industry. Some musical subcultures have arisen through migration and improved communications: there are now ample markets for bhangra music and universe music. Furthermore, musicians’ consciousness of a greater scope of manners has led to cross-influences. These provide chances for the music industry to provide to niche audiences and besides to take new music to a wider audience. At the same clip, selling to subcultures may necessitate a different scheme to those that have proved successful in the yesteryear. The hip hop group Wu Tang Clan’s record company, Loud, adapted its selling scheme in acknowledgment of a ‘street’ music, described by During ( 1995: 129 ) as â€Å"swamping select sites in the immature, urban, black populace sphere – hoops games, local shops, schoolyards, nines – with gross revenues material.† A current challenge that the music industry has is in the selling of classical manners. Personality-based publicity, such as that of the Three Tenors or Russell Watson, has generated grosss in unrecorded public presentations and recordings. However, for many ensembles and soloists seeking to gain money from unrecorded public presentation, there is a challenge in how to show themselves to audiences in the current cultural environment. Classical music is widely perceived in the UK as for older audiences. Should classical performing artists continue to show their public presentations in the traditional formal concert hall scene, or are new methods likely to increase audiences? Although assorted methods have been tried ( the Kronos String Quartet, for illustration, frock less officially than many classical performing artists and include a version of Jimi Hendrix’s ‘Purple Haze’ in their repertory ) , it is arguable whether any important discovery has been made in this manner to a larger, younger audience. Media Developments A first measure towards a mass amusement industry was the development of Music Hall in the UK in the 19Thursdaycentury. The music halls provided locales for a broad scope of performing artists, including comics, acrobats and wonders, but chiefly musical public presentations. It provided a vehicle for the development of popular vocal for a mass audience and for publishing houses who would sell sheet music of the vocals outside locales. Some classical plants were performed excessively: the Alhambra in Leicester Square on a regular basis put on concert dances and light operas, and Gounod’sFaust( 1859 ) was introduced to British audiences through infusions performed in music halls. A considerable displacement in the music industry took topographic point around the bend of the century with the coming of the gramophone. For the first clip, public presentations were available in the place to those without any musical accomplishments or the resources needed to use instrumentalists. Broadcast medium was the following major development to impact the turning music industry. Commercial wireless services, which were peculiarly widespread in the US, led to an addition in record gross revenues as music began to have airplay and hearers bought the records to play on their ain gramophones. The big multinationals that are so influential in the music industry today were set uping themselves in this early portion of the 20Thursdaycentury, including RCA, which became one of the first multi-media companies when it diversified into film, in portion to set up itself in the proviso of movie soundtracks. Branston and Stafford ( 2003: 256 ) argue that although Hollywood took advantage of the promotion created by the music industry, utilizing music stars in movies, small was done to use the music itself within the films’ content. It appears the music industry failed to capitalize on the chances of the film until the late sixtiess, when the coming of the soundtrack album created a synergism between the two media: the vocals of Simon and Garfunkel helped advance the movieThe Graduate( 1967 ) and frailty versa. Television has provided another vehicle to advance music, through programmes such as Jukebox Jury and Top of the Pops, but more widely through MTV and other orbiter channels enabling viewing audiences to pick a channel playing their preferable manner The recent Pop Idol phenomenon takes interaction to a new degree: the viewing audiences audition to look ( those neglecting doing as compulsive screening as the successful ) , the Television companies generate advertisement gross, phone companies generate gross from the vote and industry experts have considerable control over the short list, from which they will subscribe the eventual victor, holding already secured extended promotion for them and gauged public support. This would look to be a riskless attack for record companies: nevertheless, it relies on the public picking the creative person the record company wishes to work with. In 2003, the choice of Michelle McManus was infamously non so, and public involvement in her besides qui ckly waned. The new moving ridge of guitar sets conveying immense success to enter companies – Keane and Franz Ferdinand for illustration – have taken more conventional paths. The innovation of the gramophone in the late 19Thursdaycentury saw a cardinal alteration in the manner music was consumed. Prior to entering engineering, music hearers had to go to a public presentation or have the accomplishments to execute themselves. The chances for an emerging music industry were immense and many of the companies that recognised this have evolved into the well-known companies of today: HMV and Deutsche Gramophon, for illustration. Initial recordings were made on wax cylinders or wax-coated phonograph record which could keep a really limited sum of music. The innovation of the mike in the 1920s enabled a more intimate manner of singing than had been possible antecedently, and the ‘crooning’ manner became popular as a consequence, boosted by the innovation of 78s in the 1930s. Made of shellac, 78s were still delicate and still offered limited playing clip. The consequence was that the industry focussed on individual vocals and short infusions from classical plants. The innovation of the long-playing ( LP ) format in the late fiftiess revolutionised the music industry as it offered double the recording clip of the 78. Record companies could now run in the album and singles market. Stereo offered further originative chances for 60s creative persons and enhanced the moneymaking album market. Magnetic tape engineering had been invented at the very terminal of the 19Thursdaycentury utilizing wire. Early tape machines were big and unmanageable, and seldom used outside entering studios. However, in the 70s a more compact cassette format quickly gained popularity, and caused industry alarm as it was possible to copy LPs and singles to tape and portion them with friends, non unlike downloads and Cadmium combustion today. As a consequence, many states introduced a clean tape levy to counterbalance for lost royalties, although the UK resisted this. The 1980s saw a figure of technological progresss. The Sony Walkman offered a far more portable manner of listening to music than had been available earlier. This boosted the popularity of the cassette still further. It was barely surprising that record companies were acute to advance a new medium: the Compact Disc, or Cadmium. Promoted for its far superior sound quality when compared against vinyl and cassettes, the Cadmium had the added commercial advantage that it could merely be obtained through a record retail merchant as Cadmium combustion was non at this clip available to the populace. A Cadmium album in the UK in 1984 retailed for around ?12-13, while the same album on cassette or vinyl would be ?5-6. The differential far exceeded any difference in production costs. Since its coming, Cadmium gross revenues have reflected both first-time purchases of an album and the purchase of the Cadmium format to replace a listener’s worn cassette or vinyl transcript, once more hiking record company grosss. However, this is a diminishing tendency for two chief grounds: foremost, there is a finite figure of vinyl LPs that have been purchased and that the proprietor wants to replace with a Cadmium transcript ; and secondly, there is now the option of downloading paths and firing them onto Cadmium at place. This is a major revolution in music ingestion and provides both a menace to and chance for the music industry. Although the cyberspace has existed in some signifier since 1969, its usage beyond academe and authorities was rare until the early 90s. The spread of place computer science and launch of the Mosaic web-browser in 1993 generated involvement in the engineering, and as the populace began to recognize its possible as a beginning of information, its usage quickly increased. The cyberspace is of immense benefit to the music industry. Sites can advance single creative persons and their recordings and public presentations. Recordings and ware can be sold through web sites. However, the cyberspace has besides had a negative impact on music industry grosss. The cyberspace offers music listeners the opportunity to portion music files and to interchange vocals digitally, downloading them to a Personal computer and firing them ( i.e. entering them ) onto a Cadmium. The Napster site was set up in 1999 to supply an easy-to-use database of music. However, this infringed right of first publication and the proprietors of right of first publication proverb no grosss. Martin James, laminitis of Beggars Banquet summarises the positives and negatives: â€Å"I think the web is the authoritative menace and chance combined. For the sort of music that we do its a antic tool because it offers a manner of people happening and detecting music and passing on the word about it†¦ Having said that †¦ we d be stand foring our creative persons severely if we allowed their music to be given away freely † ( ) The RIAA ( Record Industry Association of America ) has been aggressive in its reponse to file-sharing. In 2001, they gained an injunction against Napster on the evidences that its operations violated copyright jurisprudence ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The site has later been relaunched to run lawfully. Other sites continue to run illicitly, boosted by the promotion environing the Napster instance. RIAA’s legal instance against a 12-year-old illegal downloader, in which she was fined $ 2000, generated much unfavorable judgment against what was seen as industry heavy-handedness. Hackers sympathetic to illegal downloaders have targeted the RIAA’s web site on several occasions. In the UK, legal action has besides been taken, with 23 illegal downloaders settling with the BPI in March 2005 and a farther 31 instances pending ( Gibson 2005 ) . Prior to this, legal proceedings had non been instigated, and the British music industry has been acute to concentrate on the chances of filesharing. Downloads are now included in the music charts, and downloaders are encouraged to utilize legal sites such as the iTunes and the relaunched Napster. Research shows that in 2004, 9 million legal downloads took topographic point in the UK ( ( 2 ) ) , demoing important grosss for the music industry. However, the users of these downloads represent merely 11 % of the population ( Hanman 2005 ) , and merely 4 % of this 11 % are adult females. There is still clearly a big market for Cadmiums, hence, and the rise in Cadmium gross revenues ( ( 2 ) ) demonstrates this. This has helped the UK’s public presentation compared with other states with a high music ingestion: music markets in the USA, France, Japan and Germany shrunk between 2000 and 2004, while the UK’s grew by 3.4 % in the same period ( ) . This may partially reflect the success of the UK economic system in recent old ages across all sectors, but besides shows a healthy music industry despite the many recent challenges. Further grosss are being generated by the licensing of nomadic phone ringtones. It is of import for the industry to recognize an of import displacement in music as cultural capital taking topographic point. Expression of individuality through music is still of import, evidenced through the popularity of ringtones. Yet downloading removes this component from music ingestion. The entering becomes paramount, and the packaging’s importance is decreased. This is a displacement from the tendency since the sixtiess, when album covers offered a big infinite for graphics, with album screens such as Dark Side of the Moon ( Pink Floyd ) every bit iconic as the music looking on the album. Cadmiums excessively offered a similar infinite, with brochures inserted as screens and some Cadmiums – for illustration, Ministry of Sound Annuals – coming with a thicker brochure necessitating an extra composition board instance to keep the CD-booklet battalion. A popular music industry with instrumentalists working to protect their involvements through sole acting rights grew around music halls. By the ulterior 19Thursdaycentury, it was common for a music hall star to be associated with peculiar vocals, which would be bought along with sole executing rights from a songster through a one-off payment. Action would be taken against anyone executing another singer’s vocal: Marie Lloyd, though frequently associated with ‘The Boy I Love Is Up In the Gallery’ , was prevented from singing it by Nelly Power who owned the public presentation rights ( Gillies 1999: 18 ) . Simultaneously, there was turning acknowledgment of the demand to protect those doing a life through the industry. In 1912, the 1911 Copyright Act came into force. Although right of first publication had existed in some signifier for over 200 old ages to protect plants of literature, the 1911 Act incorporated alterations that recognised for the first clip the demand for right of first publication to use to music. Songwriters, who had frequently been dissatisfied by the demand to go through over all rights to the buyers of their vocals, became eligible for royalty payments shortly after. The Performing Right Society was established in 1914 to roll up royalties for songsters, composers and publishing houses as it continues to make today. It works alongside the MCPS ( Mechanical Copyright Protection Society ) : the MCPS collects and distributes royalties originating from the copying and distributing of music as ‘hard copy’ , while the PRS collects and distributes royalties originating from public presentation and broadcast medium. Hence a cardinal component of the supply of music gained support and protection. This was further boosted through Phonographic Performance Limited, set up in 1935, which licenses locales and broadcasters. The administration has a wide range: for illustration, if a freelance aerobic exercise teacher runs a category utilizing a local school hall, the school must hold a PPL license as the locale, and the teacher must besides hold a PPL license to air copyright recordings. Failure to hold the appropriate license can take to a significant mulct. The National Lottery was launched in 2004 as a manner of making extra support chiefly for athletics and the humanistic disciplines. In England, ?1.86bn of lottery money has been spent on the humanistic disciplines ( Moss 2004 ) . Moss describes how ab initio, grants were frequently big and controversial ?78m to the Royal Opera House, for illustration – but since the Labour Government has been in power, this has changed to make more, smaller awards with regional instead than centralised control. However the support is distributed to musical undertakings, it is in consequence direct support for the music industry. Many more recent undertakings have focused on interfaces between, for illustration, professional instrumentalists and school kids, which, when combined with authorities policy on music instruction, may make a broader grasp of music and involvement in engagement in future coevalss. Music in instruction has historically varied harmonizing to local authorization precedences, in peculiar willingness to fund extra-curricular activities such as Saturday forenoon orchestras. In 1999, the UK authorities announced a support programme for music in schools, assisting to pay for instruments and music lessons. In 2000, new Schemes of Work were introduced into the National Curriculum for music, demanding that a wide scope of hearing, public presentation and composing took topographic point in the schoolroom. In UK Primary schools, few instructors are music specializers. Many have the extra challenge that kids in their category, peculiarly at the top terminal of junior school, may be talented instrumentalists with greater ability than the instructor. For music publishing houses specializing in schoolroom stuffs, this could be seen as a immense chance. Certain publishing houses, such as Music Gross saless and IMP, produced schoolroom stuff with ushers for instructors and Cadmium or cassette recordings for those without entree to a piano or piano player. Publishers were, nevertheless, loath to bring forth music specifically aiming National Curriculum demands, as the lifetime of these merchandises would be unpredictable as it would depend on consistence of authorities and policy, and the clip and cost of fixing them would be important. Commercial Changes The music industry has been characterised through much of the 20Thursdaycentury by the laterality of a few big companies runing aboard a big figure of smaller, independent administrations. Competitive advantage swung towards mugwumps in the 1970s. It is possible that the recording industry, progressively dominated by a few major participants, had become self-satisfied, and failed to recognize the commercial chances of hood. Martin James, a laminitis of the Beggars Banquet label describes how â€Å"this was 1976 and at that point there were nt really many labels, and each one had already signed their one hood set and that was it, † ( ) traveling on to depict how a market demand greatly transcending supply enabled him to let go of a figure of successful hood singles with small competition. Beggars Banquet was one of the first little independent record labels in the UK. Their success was to some extent dependant on larger companies. When a distribution trade with Island fell through, the label about folded, but was rescued through a licensing trade with Warners. James attributes the label’s go oning success through its rapid acknowledgment of new tendencies and manners and development of a group of labels, each with its ain specialization, to sell a broad scope of music. However, the ‘indie’ ticket applied to music has caused confusion. ‘Independent’ in its rigorous use refers to music distributed independently of the major record companies. Without entree to their logistics, independent labels have struggled to vie on gross revenues, so hold developed niche musics and nurtured new creative persons. In early 1980, an Independent Chart was compiled which helped make involvement in the independent labels and the music they were bring forthing. Many independent labels went on to hold considerable mainstream chart success, viing with music from the major labels. But ‘indie’ is besides used to mention to the manners common among creative persons signed to independent labels, who were frequently more experimental in their musical attack and considered by many to be less accessible. From around 1990, the big leagues began working to recover control in the market operated in by independent labels. Major labels bought independent labels or put up their ain ‘indie music’ divisions to sell music in an ‘indie’ manner, administering via independent distributers in order to be eligible for inclusion in the Independent charts. Iain McNay, a laminitis of Cherry Red records whose thought the Independent Chart had originally been expresses the feelings of many in the independent music industry: â€Å"The word indie had become a selling word that was banded around and had perfectly nil to make with either the original purpose of the chart, or even the significance of the word.† ( ) Additionally, several buyouts resulted in a really little figure of large industry participants globally: Time Warner, Sony, RCA, MCA and EMI. Merely EMI is strictly concerned with music: all the others are multi-media companies. This increases the range for interaction between different media, the possibility of immense multi-media selling runs and besides the strength of the administrations lawfully. However, it could be argued that this makes it harder for smaller companies to vie and last, and as a consequence is damaging to the industry as a whole. Decision The above illustrations show how a broad scope of influences impact on the music industry. While some have strengthened the industry – right of first publication jurisprudence, for illustration – others still supply a challenge, most notably illegal downloading and the sustainability of a classical music industry seeking to appeal to a broader audience with a wider demographic. The hereafter of the music industry depends on how challenges such as these are met over the following few old ages. Bibliography Branston G. and Stafford R. ( 2003 )The Media Student’s Book3rdEdition ( Routledge, London, UK ) Breen ( 1995 )The End of the World As We Know ItinPopular Music Style and Identityexplosive detection systems. Shaw W, Johnson S, Sullivan R and Friedlander P ( Centre for Research on Canadian Cultural Industries and Institutions ) During S. ( 2005 ) Cutural Studies: A Critical Introduction ( Routledge, Abingdon, UK ) Frith, S. and Marshall, L. ( 2004 )Music and Copyright( 2neodymiumEdition, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh ) Gammond, P. ( 1991 )The Oxford Companion to Popular Music( Oxford University Press, Oxford ) Gibson, O. ( 2005 )Song swappers forced to pay upinThe Guardian5ThursdayMarch 2005 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, ,1430990,00.html ) Gillies, M. ( 1999 )Marie Lloyd: The One and Merely( Gollancz, London ) Hesmondhalgh D ( 1995 )Is This What You Call Change? Flexibility, Post-Fordism and the Music IndustryinPopular Music Style and Identityexplosive detection systems. Shaw W, Johnson S, Sullivan R and Friedlander P ( Centre for Research on Canadian Cultural Industries and Institutions, Montreal ) Middleton, R. ( 1990 )Analyzing Popular Music( Open University, Milton Keynes ) Moss, S. ( 2004 )Luck and BrassinThe Guardian4ThursdayNovember 2004 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, ,1342950,00.html ) Muikku J ( 1995 )Money For Nothing? The hereafter of copyright wage for the usage of phonograms in wireless and the clean tape levy/feeinPopular Music Style and Identityexplosive detection systems. Shaw W, Johnson S, Sullivan R and Friedlander P ( Centre for Research on Canadian Cultural Industries and Institutions ) Price S. ( 1993 )Media Surveies( Longman, Harlow, UK ) Stokes J. and Reading A. ( Editors ) ( 1999) The Media in Britain: Current Arguments and Developments( Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK ) Web sites hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // id=2550 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: /// hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // imperativeness releases: ( 1 ) Britishers are the world’s greatest music fans ( 22/3/05 ) ( 2 ) BPI release 2005’s first quarterly reappraisal: 7:4:2005 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //, ,1430990,00.html

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dell Computers essays

Dell Computers essays Dell computers is still the leading computer provider in the world, it has been able to maintain its position since the 1980s as a result of its highly efficient computer building and manufacturing process, combined with excellent customer service. Dell has been able to systematically beat out competitors by providing an extremely streamlined supply chain process that far outstrips their competitors. Since the late 1990s, it has been able to process the majority of their sales through online portals, eliminating the need for massive store fronts. This strategy has worked well for them as they have expanded their overall user base and have been able to decrease their overall costs associated with output. Dell has been performing at a very high clip in the past year. Its overall earnings in the past year jumped by more than 25%. Its overall earnings have actually outpaced its rise in sales, which was 19% in the last year. They have emphasized products that are high margins by streamlining their overall delivery process and human resources costs. Its current strategy of pursuing high-margin products within key new geographic demographics is working well. In addition, Dell has been able to expand its international division and sales substantially are pushing products into specific markets outside of the United States. Despite these evident gains however, Dells overall stock price has dropped substantially over the past year. Since the end of 2006, stock prices have dropped as much as 16%. This decline in stock price is worrying for investors as they continue to look at the performance track record for Dell computers. The problem is that Dell has had a poor track record for meeting investor projections and analyst expectations. Unlike their direct competitor, Hewlett Packard, which has seen its stock price rise by as much as 27% since the beginning of this year, Dell consistently fail to meet growth metrics specif...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Industrial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Industrial - Research Paper Example This would be a very secure measure if in fact the key was not simply placed inside the top drawer of the desk. The key is not labeled, but anyone who found it could easily deduce that it would be to unlock the file cabinet. This is a breakdown of the original control measure for this workstation. The workstation also has displays of important phone numbers and contact information for staff members within our department. These are posted on the walls of the cubicle within the workstation and are easily used to reference who to contact and what phone numbers and email addresses to contact them at. The company logo is also placed on the monitor and CPU of the computer in the workstation to show ownership as well as institute a sense of pride for the company. Therefore, the logo in this circumstance is also considered to be a symbol for the company and the workstation. This logo is always made available on all documents and equipment; hence, the logo is also printed on a sticker which i s found on the top of the printer in the workstation. Overall, the workstation is equipped to perform the functions that are desired by the company and its supervisors. References Understanding internal controls. (2009). Retrieved from http://

Friday, November 1, 2019

In What Ways Has California's 2011 Redistricting Process and the Open Essay

In What Ways Has California's 2011 Redistricting Process and the Open Primary Election Changed the State's Political System - Essay Example Moreover, the decision to hold primary elections will further intensify the situation as the position of the influential incumbents dominant in the Congress for years is at stake. Also, in the aftermath of the redistricting process some of the incumbents will be forced to retire however in other case, incumbents will be running against each other for elections, thus the open primaries would be significant in this context. In this case, it is being expected that the extreme Republicans or even Democrats will be replaced by new and neutral candidates by virtue of the open primaries, thus about a quarter of the seats owned by California in the Congress will be replaced by new candidates who wouldn’t have experienced the process before. To elaborate on the effects of the redistricting process, it is crucial to highlight the significance of redistricting to analyze the issues and implications of the process in California. The process of redistricting relates to the congressional al location of seats to the population of U.S. There are basically 435 seats whereby all seats have been uniformly distributed amongst the entire population of the U.S. However, the population census and the demographics keep changing with time, and thus they have to be re-analyzed with time to come up with fair allocation of congressional seats to the entire population, thus, after every 10 years the government goes through the process of redistricting based on the changes in population demographics of the U.S. California is one of the most populous state of U.S with 53 representatives assigned to this state alone. Historically, when redistricting took place it had no effect at all, and there was just a change in one of the seats which was swapped between the seats as a result of the primaries. Gerrymandering is one of the ways how the incumbents influence the redistricting process to avail the best chances to secure their positions, by changing the inclinations of the maps in such a way that the maximum number of voters` base is covered in the areas representing their districts. This results in the distorted figure of the maps that are produced after the gerrymandering process. The redistricting process held in 2011 was indeed a unique one as an effort was made to appoint neutral members for the purpose. In case of California as well, 14 members were appointed all of whom weren’t seasoned politicians or incumbents, rather amateurs which suggests that the chances of political point scoring or distortion of results was near to impossible. For this reason, many of the congressmen seemed unhappy with the decision. "When you go from a system that allows incumbents to draw districts that favor themselves to one that disallows considering incumbents at all, you're bound to have some incumbents paired together and some open districts," suggests Tom Bonier who`s the adviser for Democrats redistricting process. This implies that if the issue of incumbency is not t aken into account, chances are that multiple incumbents will end up running for the seat in the same district. Some of the general trends which emerged or are expected to emerge in the future can conveniently be traced after an analysis is conducted over